Desription of the organisation:

The main aim of Rovnovážka (Equanima) is to support equal opportunities in education and training, in personal, social and working life, with special focus on support of disadvantaged people (e.g. women, parents on parental leave, people taking care of dependent family member, seniors, ethnic minorities, disabled people etc.).

The association supports equal opportunities by means of education and training, consultancy, collaboration with likeable organisations and educational institutions on local, regional, and European level, e.g. by participation in projects supported by EU.

The second objective of the association is support of equanimous development of the region of Ostrava. In this sphere, the association deals with following issues:

  1. support of employment, entrepreneurship and development of services
  2. enlightenment and training in the field of environmental protection: promotion of using alternative energy sources among enterprises and wide public, promotion of building of energetically passive houses (we provide visits of such a house), support of using of natural and local prodcts, etc.
  3. support and organisation of social, cultural, and sport events for enhancing the quality of life of local people. 

The staff of Equanima has got long-term and wide experience in the above mentioned activities, including project management on local and European level (ESF projects, Grundtvig – GML, G-P, Leonardo da Vinci – LdV-P, LdV-ToI, LdV-DoI, and LLP Transversal projects). The president of Equanima, Mrs. Klara Tidrichova, has participated in about 40 EU projects since 2003; she has been author and coordinator of several successful projects.